
Taking the Pulse of HR Executives to Understand the Workforce Environment

HealthStream conducted a survey of healthcare HR executives and asked for their opinions on talent acquisition plans and priorities for the 2016 calendar year. The survey revealed how acquisition strategies are taking center stage for many organizations as the competition for quality nurses is heating up.

April 01, 2021


Optimize Interviewing as Part of Your Healthcare Talent Management Strategy

An effective interviewing program is a foundational element of any healthcare talent acquisition process. All organizations interview candidates, but few do it effectively.

April 01, 2021


7 Steps to Implement a Digital Rounding Solution in Healthcare

When implementing a digital rounding solution, leadership must spend considerable time researching their options, understanding all technical requirements, and strategizing to get the most out of their investment.

April 01, 2021


HealthStream Customers Named as Winners of 2017 Awards of Excellence

April 01, 2021


Two Moments That Matter For a Patient Receiving Care

For most patients, healthcare is not a daily or yearly event in their lives. When it comes to interactions with a physician, a patient has two very important moments that matter.

April 01, 2021


Communicating with Patients about High Deductible Insurance: Best Practices

But as consumers face higher out-of-pocket costs for care, they become more likely to postpone treatment or service. Two out of five adults with high deductibles have delayed or avoided care based on the amount of out-of-pocket costs, according to a survey by The Commonwealth Fund.

April 01, 2021


Five Reasons Global Patient Safety is Important

Patient safety is foundational in delivering healthcare. If the patient does not feel safe, not much else can be accomplished. Here are five facts about patient safety that highlight its importance.

April 01, 2021


State of the Industry: Established Competencies Will Drive Better Practices in Clinical Research

The demands on clinical research professionals to deliver high-quality study data more quickly and efficiently have arguably never been greater, but the industry continues to shy away from adapting technologies and new best practices that could help lighten the load.

April 01, 2021


eBook: The Dollars are in the Details

Looming changes in the healthcare landscape will significantly impact every healthcare organization’s bottom line. HealthStream’s new eBook explores some of these issues and offers insight and best practices for navigating through the changes with success.

April 01, 2021


Improve Outcomes by Breathing New Life into Resuscitation Training: eBook

Though the components of high-quality CPR seem simple enough--chest compressions and ventilation, high-quality CPR is actually difficult. The survival rates for sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) remain relatively low, ranging from just 2 to 11%. We can do better.

April 01, 2021


The Joy of Working with Millennials in Healthcare

The millennials in our healthcare workforce have challenged the rest of us to reconsider how we have “always done things.” They want ongoing coaching and development and not a one-time per year annual evaluation and training.

April 01, 2021


Resources for Tackling Challenges Across the Care Continuum

The landscape of care across the continuum continues to gain importance. We’ve assembled these resources where you can explore HealthStream’s goal to make the hard, care-filled work you do each day easier and even more effective.

April 01, 2021


Accelerate the Improvement of Your Healthcare Workforce with Learning: eBook

Improving outcomes is top of mind for everyone in healthcare. One really good place to start this effort is to focus on your workforce. The eBook addresses building the skills and competency of existing staff to more quickly realize increases in care quality, experiences, and operations.

April 01, 2021


Using Digital Rounding as a Best Practice for Improving Patient Safety

Successful patient safety initiatives improve patient lives and outcomes. Although it may be hard for hospitals to successfully implement changes in workflow to enhance patient safety, technology like digital rounding can make it easier to achieve.

April 01, 2021


New York State Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP): Heading into Year 3

There are 25 Performing Provider Systems in New York’s DSRIP. Having spent two years getting infrastructure and project plans in place, it is time to start operationalizing all that work. April 1, 2017 marked the beginning of Year 3, and reporting now will be a major focus.

April 01, 2021


Adapting to the New Realities of Clinical Trials

A sometimes-daunting array of processes and technologies is putting a new kind of pressure on clinical research professionals that demands innovative training and a core reassessment of how to demonstrate skillsets.

April 01, 2021


Four Ways That Nurses Work to Demonstrate a Patient is Cared For and Safe

Keeping a patient safe heavily relies on open communication. In order to assure family members of patients that their family member is safe and well cared for, communication is a necessity.

April 01, 2021


Preparing Your Practice for Value-Based Care: Five Best Practices

With your Medicare reimbursement at risk based on your participation in the Quality Payment Program this year, it’s critical that you start now. Don’t leave money on the table by failing to prepare

April 01, 2021


Patient Safety is Improving: Some Positive Indications of Progress

The most recent National Healthcare QDR cites that measures of patient safety improved, with a 17 percent reduction in HACs.

April 01, 2021


Core Competencies Could Strengthen Clinical Research Workforce

Having a set of core competencies will be “incredibly helpful” in addressing the current clinical research associate (CRA) shortage. This will benefit those transitioning into clinical research, as well as those making lateral or vertical moves in the clinical trial workplace.

April 01, 2021

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